produces it own videos. In all cases, actors are required to complete paperwork stating that All actors in the productions of videos have signed contracts or their own free will, are not under the influence of drugs, and are at least 18 years of age. They also videotape the same statement as is on the waiver. On rare occasions, we purchase content from established Adult video companies. We do not purchase videos from individuals.

If you feel the content should be removed because it is illegal, pertaining to minors, etc., contact us. If it is such that it should be removed, we will remove it. In all cases all required paperwork such as waivers and IDs are maintained by Custodian of Records, Mary Hubay. 702-325-4936, 6912 Bison Circle Las Vegas, NV 89145. EMail address: [email protected]. If there is a dispute about content, contact Mary Hubay.

If you wish to cancel a credit card transaction, contact CCBill. If there is a dispute about a refund or stopping a charge and CCBill cannot resolve it, contact Mary Hubay at the above email address and we will investigate it and resolve the dispute with CC Bill, once we are aware of the dispute within 7 business days. We will strive to keep our customers happy.

The webmaster (Carl Hubay) acknowledges that all reported complaints will be reviewed and resolved within seven business days. You can contact him at (702)325-4935. If he finds your claim to be legitimate you will be refunded.

Each of the models in the videos have filled out extensive waivers stating they are doing the videos voluntarily. If they later want it removed we do so. After 30 years of creating the videos we have never had a complaint. If the videos were purchased from other sources we insure they have completed the same waivers. See attached documents.